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Human trafficking is a hidden crime that affects New Jersey more than you might think. While the victims are often invisible, the impacts are devastating and far-reaching. There are several forms of Human Trafficking. One of them is a form of modern slavery in which people are exploited for labor or commercial sex. It is estimated that 24.9 million people worldwide are trafficked annually, most of whom are women and children. In 2017 alone, there were 853 reported cases of human trafficking in the U.S., with 153 occurring in New Jersey alone. This is an extremely high number for our State considering that these numbers reflect only reported cases; experts estimate that the actual number could be much higher.

Victims of human trafficking come from all backgrounds and walks of life, though many have been vulnerable due to poverty or lack of education. Victims may be lured by false promises or forced into servitude through physical violence or threats against themselves or their families. Many times traffickers use drugs or alcohol to control their victims as well as manipulate them emotionally by making them feel dependent on their captors for survival or comfort. Parents and educators, please pay attention – this means our teens are highly vulnerable.

I have learned that children are trapped in this vicious cycle in many different ways. Predators will pay other teens to lure their friends to a mall where the predator will kidnap them. Children who experience issues at home may be sought after by predators who pretend to be concerned and groom the teen to be trafficked.

It is so important to learn what human trafficking looks like because it is happening right in front of us. Please join me at the Human Trafficking Awareness Forum this weekend. It will be held on Saturday, January 28th from 11 am to 1 pm at Mastery Charter High School in Camden, NJ.

I hope to see you there.

Take care,


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I am a firm believer in the power of faith. If I’m honest, most days I believe that faith can move mountains and that nothing is impossible when we tap into our strength through faith. However, there are some days where I work hard to hang on to that “mustard seed” of faith.

We’re not even a month into the new year and already my faith has been tested several times. I find myself having to move differently and consciously choosing to trust that everything will work out. Having faith doesn’t come with an easy switch, however, it requires dedication to stay strong in believing and having hope for better days ahead. Many days, all I had to rely on was my belief that things would get better and that there is a plan for me even if I couldn’t see it right away.

In addition to prayer, having a strong support system around me has also been incredibly helpful in maintaining my level of faith. From close friends to family members to clients who remind me that no one is ever going through life alone.

This year, I have such a large vision for my personal and professional life. I know I will need to lean on my family, friends and clients for support. There are so many of you who have already stepped up for me and I appreciate you so much. I trust that each of you are in my life for a reason and I express gratitude for you every day.

Ultimately, staying true to your beliefs takes dedication and consistency if you want your level of faith to remain strong over time. This means being intentional about carving out time each day to remain in alignment, focusing on the positives rather than the negatives, and creating a supportive environment around yourself so that you never feel alone while walking down your own personal path towards success.

In the end I remind myself that my vision is always greater than my reality. As long as I am intentional and acting on purpose, I will be fine.

I want the same for all of you.

Take Care,


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Writer's picture: lakishadeanlakishadean

Domestic violence is an all-too-common problem throughout the United States, and in no place is this more true than New Jersey. In fact, according to statistics from the NJ Department of Health, 1 in 4 and 1 in men in the Garden State have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner at some point during their lives. Understanding domestic violence—and having resources available to help victims—is critical for ensuring that victims are safe and supported.

First, it's important to understand what domestic violence actually is. Domestic violence can take many forms, but all involve abuse or attempts of abuse by one person against another within an intimate relationship. This includes physical harm, verbal threats or intimidation, emotional abuse, financial control or exploitation, sexual harass

ment or assault, stalking or harassment via digital devices (including social media). Domestic violence does not always involve physical contact; emotional abuse can be just as damaging and traumatic for victims as any other form of abuse.

Domestic violence is often rooted in power and control dynamics between a perpetrator and victim. Commonly cited causes include histories of family violence, economic stressors such as poverty or lack of access to resources, substance abuse, mental illness, social isolation or withdrawal from friends or family members, and difficulty managing anger or conflict resolution skills. Let’s be clear, this doesn’t just affect the poor.Domestic violence occurs in the homes of the wealthy, famous, connected and educated. Unfortunately, it is all too common in all types of New Jersey households today.

Domestic violence can have devastating consequences for victims. Aside from physical injuries that require medical care or hospitalization, victims may experience severe depression or anxiety due to the trauma they experience. Studies have shown that domestic violence can also lead to long-term psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Financial hardship due to lost wages or bills associated with medical care can also take a toll on victims’ well-being both physically and mentally.

As a child growing up in a home with domestic violence, I understand the lasting effects and trauma that can haunt victims throughout their lives.Victims can go from one abusive relationship to another and become isolated from their family for years.All the while, their children and watching and suffering.I remember imagining what it would be like to hit my mother’s abuser with one of my brother’s basketball trophies.When the day came that my twelve year old self tried to stop him, it didn’t end well.I don’t want this to happen to you or your children.

Now, I am in a position to help.

At my law office, we are committed to providing compassionate legal representation and fighting on behalf of our clients against abusers who have violated their rights regarding domestic violence. Our attorneys are knowledgeable about all aspects of family law related to domestic violence issues including obtaining restraining orders, civil restraints; filing criminal charges; protection from harassment; child custody disputes; child support; spousal support orders; adoption proceedings; name changes; visitation rights; and more. We work hard to ensure that our clients are treated with respect throughout their case and are given the best chance possible for success under the law.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please don’t wait to seek help. Not today! Affirm for yourself that you are not taking the abuse tod

ay. We are here to help you find your peace and independence. We offer free consultations for victims. Call us today at (856) 359-5222.

Take care,


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The Law Offices of Lakisha N Dean, LLC
1930 Marlton Pike East, Suite J-52 Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003         

Phone (856) 359-5222


©2023. The Law Offices of Lakisha N. Dean, LLC

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